This week in the Bluebirds class we will continue to focus on all about me and my family, our Bible verse, I Am Wonderfully Made and our nursery rhyme this month, Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Our first week of Friends and Fun went really well! We enjoyed having your sweet little ones! Thank you so very much for labeling all of your children's things. It really helps in making sure your items are returned.
We had our first transition to the chapel room to visit Ms. Melinda and everyone adjusted very well and enjoyed seeing Scruffy, our chapel puppet. Check out Ms. Melinda's chapel page for all the info for the month.
We will have sensory days on the playground this week. Ms. Ellen, our playground coordinator has some fun things planned. We will be enjoying all things sensory such as ice and mud, as well as dry items. Hopefully with the change in weather this week, we will see less mosquitoes!
We will continue most of the same indoor centers as young children need repetition and they may discover something new from things that have already been in the classroom.
Our centers provide opportunities for social interaction, discovery and self-expression. We so love seeing all of the fun discoveries they make every week!!!
For art this week will be making apple prints using apples, red, yellow and green paint. It should be fun to see the reaction we get using apples to paint! We are already compiling some fun art for our end of year scrapbooks!
Also, as a reminder, Ms. Karen, our floater, has requested if your child wears pull-ups to send the side-fastening velcro type as it makes for quick changes. Thank you so much!
Blessings to you all this week.:)
Bluebird News........
Our first full week was fantastic! We so enjoyed getting to know your little ones and having fun playing in centers! We had our first art project for our scrapbooks and played in lots of messy, creative ways. Check out all the awesome pictures on Shutterfly!!
Sand/Water Table:
Rice, families, scoops, pets.
Water, scrubbies, bubbles and babies.
Block Center:
Lambs, blocks, magnetic balls and stems.
Home Living:
Dishes, babies, table settings, aprons.
Writing Center:
Playdoh, beads and popsticks.
Dot sticker body game, I am special song, My Two Hands book,
Singing and dancing with scarves.
So much fun to have a full day! We enjoyed our first Chapel day with Ms. Melinda. She visited our classroom this time to ease transition upsets. The children so enjoyed her chapel puppet "Scrappy" and loved singing, "Our God is a Great Big God" with all of the hand motions.
Also, we do a bible verse once a month not only in chapel, but in our daily circle. We will be sending home a small art project each month with our bible verse written on it. Ask your child to do the hand motions! Most of them may only do one or two of the motions, but we are hiding God's word in our hearts each time we recite it. Your children are precious!
We are settling in very well and are excited about the upcoming week.
As a reminder, please label everything! We appreciate you sending your children in socks and closed-toed shoes as it cuts down on boo-boos. Also, for speedy diapering, would you please send side-velcro pull-ups if your child is in pull-ups, otherwise diapers are perfect.
We are so proud of each and every one of our Bluebirds and are already smitten with them! Thank you for sharing your little ones with us each week!
Our first full week was fantastic! We so enjoyed getting to know your little ones and having fun playing in centers! We had our first art project for our scrapbooks and played in lots of messy, creative ways. Check out all the awesome pictures on Shutterfly!!
Sand/Water Table:
Rice, families, scoops, pets.
Water, scrubbies, bubbles and babies.
Block Center:
Lambs, blocks, magnetic balls and stems.
Home Living:
Dishes, babies, table settings, aprons.
Writing Center:
Playdoh, beads and popsticks.
Dot sticker body game, I am special song, My Two Hands book,
Singing and dancing with scarves.
So much fun to have a full day! We enjoyed our first Chapel day with Ms. Melinda. She visited our classroom this time to ease transition upsets. The children so enjoyed her chapel puppet "Scrappy" and loved singing, "Our God is a Great Big God" with all of the hand motions.
Also, we do a bible verse once a month not only in chapel, but in our daily circle. We will be sending home a small art project each month with our bible verse written on it. Ask your child to do the hand motions! Most of them may only do one or two of the motions, but we are hiding God's word in our hearts each time we recite it. Your children are precious!
We are settling in very well and are excited about the upcoming week.
As a reminder, please label everything! We appreciate you sending your children in socks and closed-toed shoes as it cuts down on boo-boos. Also, for speedy diapering, would you please send side-velcro pull-ups if your child is in pull-ups, otherwise diapers are perfect.
We are so proud of each and every one of our Bluebirds and are already smitten with them! Thank you for sharing your little ones with us each week!
Gradual Entry Week
We had such a wonderful gradual entry week getting to know each and everyone of your precious little ones! We kicked the year off with lots of fun centers and outdoor play.
For gradual entry, we put our focus on separating easily from Mom and Dad and providing many child-directed centers for the children to enjoy. We feel that everyone did an exceptional job and came in ready to play! It was a fun week!
For our first full days in school next week, we will be offering centers and activities that are all about Me and My Family. We also will be learning nursery rhymes and this month will be Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Centers this week:
Sensory Table: Family dolls, rice, pets, scoops and cups.
Water Table: Washing babies with scrubbies and bubbles.
Block Center: Lambs, blocks, magnets.
Home Living: Dishes, food, place settings.
Writing: Play-doh, cookie cutters.
Art: Painting with red.
Circle: Dot sticker game (to identify body parts), singing Mary Had a Little Lamb and reading When I Go to Preschool.
We will continue working on separation and promoting independence this week. Carline will begin and that is definitely a great way to help with separation. It is always optional, and of course we welcome you to drop off at the door if you choose. Carline will begin promptly at 9:00 am and ends at 9:15. For pick-up, carline will start at 12:00. Please remember to place your child's name plate in your windshield for pick-up.
Also, as a reminder, please do label all of your child's things as we do have lots of mix-ups with identical items. Please label your child's diaper/pull up with his or her name on front. Due to licensing rules, we cannot apply sunscreen, so please do apply if you think it necessary. Thank you so much!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone and having a wonderful year!!
For gradual entry, we put our focus on separating easily from Mom and Dad and providing many child-directed centers for the children to enjoy. We feel that everyone did an exceptional job and came in ready to play! It was a fun week!
For our first full days in school next week, we will be offering centers and activities that are all about Me and My Family. We also will be learning nursery rhymes and this month will be Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Centers this week:
Sensory Table: Family dolls, rice, pets, scoops and cups.
Water Table: Washing babies with scrubbies and bubbles.
Block Center: Lambs, blocks, magnets.
Home Living: Dishes, food, place settings.
Writing: Play-doh, cookie cutters.
Art: Painting with red.
Circle: Dot sticker game (to identify body parts), singing Mary Had a Little Lamb and reading When I Go to Preschool.
We will continue working on separation and promoting independence this week. Carline will begin and that is definitely a great way to help with separation. It is always optional, and of course we welcome you to drop off at the door if you choose. Carline will begin promptly at 9:00 am and ends at 9:15. For pick-up, carline will start at 12:00. Please remember to place your child's name plate in your windshield for pick-up.
Also, as a reminder, please do label all of your child's things as we do have lots of mix-ups with identical items. Please label your child's diaper/pull up with his or her name on front. Due to licensing rules, we cannot apply sunscreen, so please do apply if you think it necessary. Thank you so much!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone and having a wonderful year!!
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