Pajama Days are Here!!

This week we will enjoy our annual pajama days on your child's class day: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  We will be enjoying the fun of making pancakes and the best part; eating them!!!  Please send your child in his/her pajamas with tennis shoes or other closed-toe-shoes as we will still play on the playground.  Of course a change of clothes is always recommended as we still have accidents and get wet from the various sensory tables offered.

We will be reading If You Give a Pig a Pancake  and mixing red and white to make pink to paint a pig shape.  So fun!! We love this event and look forward to seeing all the fun pajamas this week!

Sensory Table: Pretend snow, flour, cornstarch, felt snowmen, snowmen figures, scoops and sifters.
Water Table: Ice cubes, mittens.
Home Living: Muffin tins, potholders, aprons, cookie shapes.
Blocks: Foam blocks, snowmen, cars and trucks.
Writing: Chalk, stickers, paper and crayons.
Circle: Snowy Day, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Five Little Snowmen Flannel Board.

As a reminder, if you have not signed up for a conference time, please stop by and jot down a time as we will be sending out reminders this week.  If you have not signed up, a time will be assigned to you.  Thank you again for all of your sweet little ones each week!!!
Bluebird Conferences are Coming

This week in the Bluebird class we will continue to explore snow, ice, and our nursery rhyme, The Three Little Kittens.

Sensory Table: Flour, cornstarch, sparkle snow, scoops and tins.
Water Table: Ice, food coloring, mittens.
Science/Math: Making snow.
Art: Snowflake hand prints
Blocks: Magnet boards, blocks, snowballs to stack
Circle: The Three Little Kittens, 5 Little Snowmen flannel board. Bible verse, "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

We will have our first Motor Movement class of the New Year this week, along with resuming our regular Chapel Schedule.

As a reminder, please continue to label all items as we still have some lost items.  

We have come so far this school year and watching the Bluebirds grow and change has been such a privilege for us. 
We will have our mid-year conferences on February 4,5,6.  The sign up sheets are on the bulletin board outside of our door.  Please come in and sign up for a time on your child's class day.  If you have scheduling problems with sibling's times, etc., please stop by and we will try and resolve them. 

Due to conferences on these days, school will be closed.  
We look forward to meeting with each and every one of you!

Let it Snow, Let it Snow.......

We want to thank you all for your generous gifts to us during Christmas.  We hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends.  This month we will be focusing on Winter, Snow and our nursery rhyme, The Three Little Kittens. 

Our centers this week:

Sensory Table: Flour, cornstarch, sparkle snow, scoops and tins.
Water Table: Ice, food coloring, mittens.
Science/Math: Melting ice.
Art: Painting with yellow to follow the star, using glue on a mitten shape to add sparkles.
Blocks: Magnet boards, blocks, snowballs to stack
Circle: The Three Little Kittens, 5 Little Snowmen flannel board, Bible verse.

Our Bible verse for the month is "With God, all things are possible." Matthew 19:26.

This week for snow days the schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, Jan. 14

Wednesday, Jan. 15

Thursday, Jan. 16

Please remember to send in extra clothing as we get really wet and messy in the snow!  Also, if you would, label all items for easy return to you.  Parents, we invite you to come enjoy the snow!!!

As always, thank you for sharing your sweet ones with us each week!!!