Pajama Days are Here!!

This week we will enjoy our annual pajama days on your child's class day: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  We will be enjoying the fun of making pancakes and the best part; eating them!!!  Please send your child in his/her pajamas with tennis shoes or other closed-toe-shoes as we will still play on the playground.  Of course a change of clothes is always recommended as we still have accidents and get wet from the various sensory tables offered.

We will be reading If You Give a Pig a Pancake  and mixing red and white to make pink to paint a pig shape.  So fun!! We love this event and look forward to seeing all the fun pajamas this week!

Sensory Table: Pretend snow, flour, cornstarch, felt snowmen, snowmen figures, scoops and sifters.
Water Table: Ice cubes, mittens.
Home Living: Muffin tins, potholders, aprons, cookie shapes.
Blocks: Foam blocks, snowmen, cars and trucks.
Writing: Chalk, stickers, paper and crayons.
Circle: Snowy Day, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Five Little Snowmen Flannel Board.

As a reminder, if you have not signed up for a conference time, please stop by and jot down a time as we will be sending out reminders this week.  If you have not signed up, a time will be assigned to you.  Thank you again for all of your sweet little ones each week!!!

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